QuickBooks Scam Caller Alert
Because our team actively listens to your marketing calls, we occasionally will hear solicitors or scammers on these phone lines. We wanted to alert you to a Quickbooks Scam Caller that is actively reaching out to companies in December. Please do not give this person your credit card information. We have verified that this person is NOT a Quickbooks’ Account Manager.
Be Aware of This Scam Caller
The QuickBooks Scam Caller will say that he or she is from ATS QuickBooks and that he or she is your account manager. Then, this person will say that due to COVID, they are delayed in collecting your annual payment for the software upgrade. The person says the fee is $499.99 and they need to collect payment over the phone so that you don’t lose any performance in your software system. DO NOT PAY THIS! THIS IS A SCAM! The scam caller will act as though they are searching past payments for you but will not be accurate.
Our advice: Tell the scam caller to stop calling your business and that you will report them as a scam. Then, please hang up the phone. Then, please go directly to your QuickBooks account and call them directly to report it.
Any questions, please contact us. We are actively monitoring this on our marketing phone lines. If we have any updates, please will send another alert.
Take care,
All Contractor Marketing®
Client Success Team